Brith Achim Anshei Simiatcer, Chevrath
Address: 209 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1897
Associated Towns: Siemiatycze (Poland)
Notes: According to the 1939 WPA Survey, this congregation was organized in 1897, but in 1939 occupied the ground floor of a tan brick house dedicated in 1925.Name: Brith Achim Anshei Simiatcer, Chevrath
Alternate Name: Brotherly Alliance, People of Simiatcer
Address: 209 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1897
Year Established: 1925
Associated Towns: Siemiatycze (Poland)
Notes: According to the 1939 WPA Survey, this congregation was organized in 1897, but in 1939 occupied the ground floor of a tan brick house dedicated in 1925.