New York Historical Synagogues Map

Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian, Congregation
Address: 106 Forsyth Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1903
Associated Towns: Birlad (Romania)
Aux Societies: Fannie Siegel Berlader Sick Benevolent Association
Notes: According to the Jewish Communal Register (1917/1918), Congregation Fannie Siegel Anshei Berlader was an orthodox congregation then located at 165 Allen Street that had been organized in 1906. It had a membership of 100, a seating capacity of 75, and was associated with a cemetery. According to the Jewish Communal Register (1917/1918), the First Berlader Roumanian No. 743 mutual aid agency then met at 106 Forsyth St. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. According to the 1939 WPA Survey, Congregation Fane Seghel Independent Berlader Rumanian, also known as Congregation Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian (Fannie Siegel Congregation), was then located at 106 Forsyth Street. It had been founded in 1903 by a group of Romanian Jews from the town of Berlad (now known as Birlad) and was incorporated in 1907 as Congregation Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian. It had previously been located at 102 Allen Street from 1903 to 1916, at 218 Eldridge Street from 1916 to 1932, and at 56 Rivington Street from 1932 until 1938. In 1939, it occupied the first floor of a three-story tan-painted brick house.
Name: Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian, Congregation
Alternate Name: Congregation Fannie Siegel Anshei Berlader; Congregation Fane Seghel Independent Berlader Rumanian; Congregation Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian; Fannie Siegel Congregation
Address: 106 Forsyth Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Type: Orthodox
Year Organized: 1903
Year Established: 1938
Associated Towns: Birlad (Romania)
Aux Societies: Fannie Siegel Berlader Sick Benevolent Association
Notes: According to the Jewish Communal Register (1917/1918), Congregation Fannie Siegel Anshei Berlader was an orthodox congregation then located at 165 Allen Street that had been organized in 1906. It had a membership of 100, a seating capacity of 75, and was associated with a cemetery. According to the Jewish Communal Register (1917/1918), the First Berlader Roumanian No. 743 mutual aid agency then met at 106 Forsyth St. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. According to the 1939 WPA Survey, Congregation Fane Seghel Independent Berlader Rumanian, also known as Congregation Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian (Fannie Siegel Congregation), was then located at 106 Forsyth Street. It had been founded in 1903 by a group of Romanian Jews from the town of Berlad (now known as Birlad) and was incorporated in 1907 as Congregation Fannie Siegel Independent Berlader Roumanian. It had previously been located at 102 Allen Street from 1903 to 1916, at 218 Eldridge Street from 1916 to 1932, and at 56 Rivington Street from 1932 until 1938. In 1939, it occupied the first floor of a three-story tan-painted brick house.
Jewish Communal Register (1917-1918): Listed