First Nepolokowitz Bukovina Unturstutzung Verein
Address: 530 East 5th Street, New York, NY 10009
Year Organized: 1914
Associated Towns: Nepolokivitsi Bukovina (Ukraine)
Notes: Previously: 259 East 4th St. 1914-1938. "Society was formed by immigrants from Napolokowitz and Bukovina, neighboring towns of Russia." Burial: Mt. Zion, Montefiore.Name: First Nepolokowitz Bukovina Unturstutzung Verein
Address: 530 East 5th Street, New York, NY 10009
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1914
Year Established: 1938
Associated Towns: Nepolokivitsi Bukovina (Ukraine)
Notes: Previously: 259 East 4th St. 1914-1938. "Society was formed by immigrants from Napolokowitz and Bukovina, neighboring towns of Russia." Burial: Mt. Zion, Montefiore.