Stropkower Joseph Chaim
Address: 140 Goerck Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1891
Associated Towns: Stropkov (Slovakia)
Notes: WPA Survey has street name as "Goerick" This street no longer exists by that name. It is now Baruch Pl.
"Organized 1891. Incorporated January 21, 1896 as Stropkover Chebra Chajem Oesterrich Ungarische Anshe Sfard…Congregation located at above address until, 1933, they merged with Congregation Gemilath Chesed K.U.V. to form Congregation Gemilath Chesed Stropkower Joseph Chaim...(at 100 Cannon Street)."Name: Stropkower Joseph Chaim
Address: 140 Goerck Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1891
Year Established: 1891
Associated Towns: Stropkov (Slovakia)
Notes: WPA Survey has street name as "Goerick" This street no longer exists by that name. It is now Baruch Pl.
"Organized 1891. Incorporated January 21, 1896 as Stropkover Chebra Chajem Oesterrich Ungarische Anshe Sfard…Congregation located at above address until, 1933, they merged with Congregation Gemilath Chesed K.U.V. to form Congregation Gemilath Chesed Stropkower Joseph Chaim...(at 100 Cannon Street)."
1907-1908 American Jewish Year Book: Listed