Erste Gorlitzer Rudniker Chevrah Machzikei Emeth
Address: 49 Sherriff Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1891
Associated Towns: Gorlice (Poland)
Notes: Subsequently at 99/ 101 Lewis Street. Began in 1891 as Erste Gorlicer Chevra Machzike Emeth, but in 1920, after a merger with the Rudniker Erste K.U.V. the name was changed.Name: Erste Gorlitzer Rudniker Chevrah Machzikei Emeth
Alternate Name: First Gorlicer Rudniker, Society of Supporters of the Truth
Address: 49 Sherriff Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1891
Year Established: 1891
Associated Towns: Gorlice (Poland)
Notes: Subsequently at 99/ 101 Lewis Street. Began in 1891 as Erste Gorlicer Chevra Machzike Emeth, but in 1920, after a merger with the Rudniker Erste K.U.V. the name was changed.