Hungarian Chevra Bachurim, Congregation
Address: 120 Columbia Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1889
Associated Towns: Hungary
Notes: WPA Survey lists this address as 120 Columbus, but that may have been a typo. Columbia is more likely. Subsequently: 297 East 4th Street. "They also have a branch, Congregation Hungarian Chevra Bachurim, at 1051 Prospect Avenue, Bronx. Burial: Washington, Mt. Zion, Mt. Hebron and Riverside (Rochelle Park, NJ) Cemeteries. "Name: Hungarian Chevra Bachurim, Congregation
Alternate Name: Congregation Hungarian Society of Young Men
Address: 120 Columbia Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1889
Year Established: 1889
Associated Towns: Hungary
Notes: WPA Survey lists this address as 120 Columbus, but that may have been a typo. Columbia is more likely. Subsequently: 297 East 4th Street. "They also have a branch, Congregation Hungarian Chevra Bachurim, at 1051 Prospect Avenue, Bronx. Burial: Washington, Mt. Zion, Mt. Hebron and Riverside (Rochelle Park, NJ) Cemeteries. "