Chevra Kadisha M'Berdichew
Address: 24 Montgomery Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1889
Associated Towns: Berdychiv (Ukraine)
Notes: Incorporated 1890 as Congregation Chevra Kasdishes Leive of Berdichew. Previously: Delancey corner Attorney (1889-1922), E Broadway (1922-23), Clinton St (1923-24). Bought Montgomery Location in 1924. Members from Berdichew, Poland, followers of the Goan M'Berdichever.Name: Chevra Kadisha M'Berdichew
Alternate Name: Burial Society for the Men of Berdichew
Address: 24 Montgomery Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1889
Year Established: 1924
Associated Towns: Berdychiv (Ukraine)
Notes: Incorporated 1890 as Congregation Chevra Kasdishes Leive of Berdichew. Previously: Delancey corner Attorney (1889-1922), E Broadway (1922-23), Clinton St (1923-24). Bought Montgomery Location in 1924. Members from Berdichew, Poland, followers of the Goan M'Berdichever.