Yeshivath Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt
Address: 134 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1917
Notes: "Organized 1917 as a free Hebrew school, in perpetuation of the name and memory of Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt, a famous rabbi and humanitarian, of Slonim, Poland." Previously: Houston St; 89 East Broadway, 1917-1920; with 4 story brick building renovated 1920. First Rabbi: Isaac Epstein (Poland), 1917-20; Present Rabbi: S. ALpert, 1938--. Thirty two plots at Mt Judah. "The Yeshivath, which owns the building, rents the three upper floors and basement to eight separate and distinct congregations."Name: Yeshivath Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt
Alternate Name: Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt Congregation
Address: 134 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Year Organized: 1917
Year Established: 1920
Notes: "Organized 1917 as a free Hebrew school, in perpetuation of the name and memory of Rabbi Mordechai Rosenblatt, a famous rabbi and humanitarian, of Slonim, Poland." Previously: Houston St; 89 East Broadway, 1917-1920; with 4 story brick building renovated 1920. First Rabbi: Isaac Epstein (Poland), 1917-20; Present Rabbi: S. ALpert, 1938--. Thirty two plots at Mt Judah. "The Yeshivath, which owns the building, rents the three upper floors and basement to eight separate and distinct congregations."