Anshei Stuchin and Grayewa, Chevrah
Address: 240 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1907
Associated Towns: Szczuczyn (Poland), Grajewo (Poland)
Aux Societies: Free Loan, Study
Notes: The original name (1882-1907) was Congregation Machzikie Tefila Anshe Stuchin. In 1907 it combined with the Congregation Anshe Gaweyo to form the present congregation. It was also previously located at 89 Forsyth Street,155 Rivington Street, Orchard Street, and 8 Ludlow Street.Name: Anshei Stuchin and Grayewa, Chevrah
Alternate Name: Chevra Anshei Shzuzin U.E. Anshei Grayeivo, Men of Stuchin and Hayewo
Address: 240 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Type: Orthodox
Year Organized: 1907
Year Established: 1912
Associated Towns: Szczuczyn (Poland), Grajewo (Poland)
Aux Societies: Free Loan, Study
Notes: The original name (1882-1907) was Congregation Machzikie Tefila Anshe Stuchin. In 1907 it combined with the Congregation Anshe Gaweyo to form the present congregation. It was also previously located at 89 Forsyth Street,155 Rivington Street, Orchard Street, and 8 Ludlow Street.
Jewish Communal Register (1917-1918): Listed