Mishnaioth Chasidei Trisk Umikarev, Congregation
Address: 269 Broome Street, New York, NY 10002
Year Organized: 1900
Associated Towns: Turiysk (Ukraine) & Makariv (Ukraine)
Aux Societies: Free Loan, Study
Notes: Formerly, known as Mishnayes Chaside of Turisk and Mekalow, located at 159 Ludlow Street (according to the 1907/1908 American Jewish Year Book). Defunct according to the 1939 WPA Survey: "Disbanded about two months ago."Name: Mishnaioth Chasidei Trisk Umikarev, Congregation
Alternate Name: Mishnaioth Chasidei Trisk & Mekarov
Address: 269 Broome Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan
Type: Orthodox
Year Organized: 1900
Associated Towns: Turiysk (Ukraine) & Makariv (Ukraine)
Aux Societies: Free Loan, Study
Notes: Formerly, known as Mishnayes Chaside of Turisk and Mekalow, located at 159 Ludlow Street (according to the 1907/1908 American Jewish Year Book). Defunct according to the 1939 WPA Survey: "Disbanded about two months ago."
Jewish Communal Register (1917-1918): Listed